JAKARTA - As many as 34 terrorism convicts pledge allegiance to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) at the Class IIA Gunung Sindur Narcotics Penitentiary, Bogor.

"Terrorist convicts who are willing to pledge have increased self-awareness of defending the country to maintain national unity and integrity", said Sudjonggo, Head of Ministry of Law and Human Rights West Java Regional Office in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Thursday, April 15

The implementation of the pledge of loyalty to the Republic of Indonesia has been formulated as an activity that is complete, integrative, and sustainable which of course does not escape the synergy of BNPT, BIN, Densus 88, and other law enforcement officials.

According to Sudjonggo, this is a tangible form of terrorism perpetrators willing to rid themselves of acts and activities similar to terror.

Through the pledge, they are expected to be able to enlighten the surrounding environment and help the government to stop the spread of radicalism in society.

Not just a promise, the real efforts of convicts who have pledged are encouraged based on their love for their homeland and the passion to jointly create national unity and unity through state defense education obtained during their criminal period.

The pledge to be loyal to the Republic of Indonesia is one of the conditions for terrorist convicts to get their integration rights. More than that, it is also to create a correctional system based on Pancasila.

The procession was witnessed by clergy, representatives of the Special Detachment 88 Anti-Terror of the Indonesian Police, BNPT, BIN, and the Head of the Gunung Sindur Narcotics Prison.

Dozens of terrorist convicts read a pledge led by one of the prisoners and paid tribute to the Red and White flag as a form of love for the country.

"The prisoners also signed a pledge to be loyal to the Republic of Indonesia", he said.

Prisoners were previously involved in various networks, namely Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD), Jamaah Islamiyah, and JAD sympathizers.

"They also support national programs in building the life of the nation and state within the framework of the Republic of Indonesia", said Sudjonggo.

Meanwhile, one of the terrorist convicts who had pledged, Ismail Hasan, admitted that he regretted his acts of terrorism.

"I realized my mistake as a human being. When I return to society I hope to be accepted as an Indonesian citizen", said Ismail.

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