JAKARTA - Vice Chairman of Commission III of the House of Representatives Adies Kadir considers the Police Under the leadership of Chief of Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo very proud. Evidently, many breakthroughs have been made.

Chief of Police Listyo Sigit recently launched an application "Propam Presisi" that serves public complaints related to the performance of police members. The presence of this Precision Propam application is expected to increase surveillance not only internally, but also externally. The police chief also stated that the National Police is now entering an era of openness.

"In the era of openness as it is today, transparency is required from every institution both executive and legislative, as done by The Police's Professional and Security Division of National Police (Propam Polri). For example, by launching the Propam Presisi application program as a form of implementation of public complaints related to the performance of police officers by responding faster", said Adies Kadir, Wednesday, April 14.

The Propam became one of the organizational structures in the National Police that is responsible for the problem of professional development and security in the internal environment of the National Police organization. Propam Polri is also known as one of the elements of the special staff of the National Police at the headquarters level under the Police Chief.

One of Propam's tasks is to foster and carry out the functions of professional accountability and internal security. This includes the enforcement of discipline and order in the Police environment and the service of public complaints about irregularities in the actions of members/civil servants of the National Police.

Adies Kadi argues, The Division of Propam Police is expected to continue to carry out the functions of Provos in the enforcement of discipline and order in the Police.

Therefore, it takes firmness in carrying out its duties. This includes cracking down on police officers deemed to be breaking the rules.

"The Propam Division must dare to crack down firmly on police officers who commit violations", said Adies Kadir, a Golkar politician who is also the Chairman of MKGR.

About the statement of the Head of Division Propam Police Headquarters, Irjen Fredy Sambo, who publicly apologized to the Police Chief, Adies judged it as reasonable. Head of Division Propam statement is a form of accountability to superiors.

Previously reported, Irjen Fredy Sambo admitted that so far there is still an improvement in the quality and quantity in the implementation of member violation activities. From the data of Propam Polri, in 2020 there were 3,304 disciplinary violations, 2,081 violations of KEPP, and 1,024 criminal violations.

"Apologizing if there is a mistake made by the police is a natural thing. New things like this make the Division Propam Police under Irjen Fredy Sambo's brother very proud. Hopefully, this can make the Police better and really become protectors of the community as a whole", said Adies Kadir.

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