JAKARTA - The panel of judges at the East Jakarta District Court decided to postpone the trial of UMMI Hospital swab results until next week. The agenda of the trial is still the examination of witnesses from the public prosecutor (JPU).

"The next hearing is Wednesday, April 21, 2021, next week", Chief justice Khadwanto said at the hearing on Wednesday, April 14.

In the next trial, five witnesses will be presented. However, the names of the witnesses who will be presented have not been disclosed by the prosecutor. The panel of judges asked that the names be given immediately because they are in the common interest.

"So today the names are not ready. Please, it's in the common interest. Because the panel of judges is also necessary. The trial was postponed and resumed on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, for the opportunity for the public prosecutor to submit witnesses", said Khadwanto.

Meanwhile, Rizieq Shihab who is also a defendant stated that he is ready for trial.

"10 witnesses we are ready Your Honour", said Rizieq.

Previously, the public prosecutor presented five witnesses in the case of UMMI hospital swab results. They include Mayor of Bogo Bima Arya, Head of Public Order Enforcers Bogor Agustian Syah, Head of Health Service Bogor Sri Nowo Retno, Member of Bogor Covid-19 Task Force Ferro Sopacua, and Former Head of Public Health Bogor Djohan Musali.

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