JAKARTA - Political observer Ray Rangkuti suspects the disbursement of the Ministry of Research and Technology (Kemenristek) into the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) because it does not want to make noise in the cabinet.

Ray admitted to being strange with president Joko Widodo's decision to merge the two ministries. The reason, Kemenristek is a ministry whose role is much needed. Especially during a pandemic like today.

According to Ray, if Jokowi wants to save ministries or institutions should remove the Ministry of Communication (Kemenkominfo) and Informatics. Because the benefits are considered not very significant.

"There are for example other ministries that are not needed, call it the Ministry of Information, it is not very significant he. There is also no influence on the Indonesian nation. If the research is clearly the basis of his achievements. In technology, it must be research-based, especially in this pandemic season, research should be intensified to find the right vaccine", Ray told VOI, Wednesday, April 15.

"That's why I wonder why Jokowi chose to liquidate the Ministry of Research and Technology over the Ministry of Communication and Information", he continued

Director of Lingkar Madani (LIMA) Indonesia suspects, Kemenristek 'in sacrifice' because Jokowi does not want to make rowdy his cabinet. Because Minister of Technology Bambang Brodjonegoro is not from among political parties.

"My guess is why this Minister of Technology was taken by Mr. Jokowi compared to the Minister of Information because of the Minister of Information cabinet members of the parliament namely Nasdem. Perhaps Mr. Jokowi rather than fuss for rowdy yes ministers who will not be rowdy is liquidated", he said.

Why not the Ministry of Education? Ray explained that according to the Law of the Ministry currently led by Nadiem Makarim must exist in every government.

"Why kemenristek not Kemendikbud? Because the Ministry of Education should not be liquidated because it is regulated law that the Ministry of Education is an inevitability. Whoever the president of the Ministry of Education should be. If Kemenristek in point 3 in the Law of the ministry article 40, so the Ministry of Technology can exist or does not exist the same as the Ministry of Communication and Information", Ray said.

"When viewed from the urgency yes Kemenristek is much more needed than the Ministry of Communication and Information. But why not liquidate yes because the minister in the office is a minister of the party," he sarcastically.

Regarding the experience of merging the two ministries had failed, Ray considered it to be a political risk Jokowi in taking the policy.

"That's a risk to be taken, a political risk that accommodates the political parties that join the coalition. Now, is this the right step for Jokowi? Yes, right because it does not invite political uproar. But is that step right for this nation? Yes of course it is not appropriate, obviously, this nation needs more Ministry of Technology than the Ministry of Communication and Information", said Ray Rangkuti.

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