JAKARTA - Rizieq Shihab's team of lawyers will explore information from the Mayor of Bogor Bima Arya about the motivation behind reporting the case of the results of this swab. Because, in the trial of Bima Arya there was communication before reporting.

"We also asked what the bima arya motovasi is reporting? Because of the other attorneys asking, is there pressure? Is there any communication? He said there was communication," Rizieq Shihab's lawyer Sugito Atmo Prawiro told reporters Wednesday, April 14.

However, in the trial Bima Arya has not explained clearly about the form and with whom the communication was established before reporting. This will be resolved after the trial continues.

"But it's still rolling for certainty," Soegito said. Meanwhile, Rizieq Shihab's other lawyer, Aziz Yanuar mentioned Bima Arya also said in this case only focused on reporting UMMI Hospital.

Thus, the question arises who pushed the Bima Arya until finally Rizieq Shihab and Hanif Alatas were dragged into this matter.

"Who is the question that makes the scenario so that habib Rizieq Shihab and habib Hanif get here? Let's ask the swaying grass," Aziz said.

Previously reported, Bima Arya mentioned information about the whereabouts of Rizieq Shihab who was treated at UMMI Bogor Hospital obtained from an unknown person. In fact, the information was also conveyed through the short message application Whatsapp.

This is known when Bima Arya explained about a meeting with the COVID-19 Task Force on November 26. The meeting was called to discuss the issue of COVID-19 handlers in Bogor City.

"We discussed preventing the spread of COVID in Bogor City, cases continue to increase so we have to take swift steps," bima Arya said in the trial.

During the meeting held with kadinkes Bogor and Forkopinda also had time to discuss the existence of information rizieq Shihab in UMMI Hospital. Therefore, it was decided to directly confirm to Andi Tatat as The Main Director (Dirut) of UMMI Hospital.

"To confirm the info from Whatsaap whose number I do not know there is the existence of habib Rizieq Shihab in bogor city precisely in UMMI Hospital," he said.

In response to the statement, one of Rizieq Shihab's lawyers asked Bima Arya to detail the information. However, it was confirmed that he did not know who gave the information.

"Did you say you got Habib Rizieq's information, how did you get that information?" asked Rizieq's lawyer.

"Suddenly there was an unknown number contacting me, I had not saved and he told me the whereabouts of Habib Rizieq. Then I immediately coordinated to Dinkes," bima replied.

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