BALIKPAPAN - Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Nusron Wahid handed over 44 land certificates to residents in Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan, Saturday, December 14.
The certificate was handed over in Manggar Village with details, 20 land certificates resulting from Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL), 6 State Property Certificates (BMN) and 1 Waqf land certificate.
On the same occasion, 10 PTSL certificates were also handed over for Teripipip Village residents, 4 PTSL certificates for residents of Batu Ampar Village and 1 waqf land certificate located in Batu Ampar Village, Mekar Sari, and Kareng Rejo.
He advised residents not to use the land certificate as debt guarantee. In addition, Nusron also appealed to residents to immediately circumvent their personal land and places of worship there.
"If the mosque (certificate) or madrasa must be in the name of the mosque administrator or mosque foundation, not on behalf of personal. Later it will be sold, so it will be troublesome," said Nusron at the location.
According to Nusron, the submission of 44 land certificates is a continuation of the program from the previous government era. "So, yesterday's PTSL program was also able to map and certify 80 percent of the total land in Indonesia or 55 million hectares," he said.
On the other hand, said Nusron, until the end of 2024, 120.6 million land parcels throughout Indonesia had been registered through PTSL. "As large as 95.7 percent of the target set, which is 126 million land parcels registered in 2025," he said.
Meanwhile, for East Kalimantan Province, 2,130,451 land registration has been achieved or 93 percent of the total land parcels available.
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