"Surely every institution is good and not good. Don't be loyal to the wrong corps spirit, we protect our members even though they are wrong. All institutions must be ready to sacrifice for the benefit of the people," said Prabowo.

President Prabowo appealed to all elements of government and business sector to comply with the law and return to the right path if they have committed irregularities.

"I see reports, too much of our wealth is smuggled abroad, illegal mining, manipulation of reports, do not want to pay taxes, do not want to fulfill their obligations to the state. Even though they receive facilities from the state and take advantage of people's property. We must stop this," said Prabowo.

As the General Chair of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo also emphasized to all his cadres not to get involved in corrupt practices. He even threatened to act directly if anyone violated it.

"I always say among my party, Gerindra: not because you feel that you are part of Gerindra, you arbitrarily deviate and hope the party will kill you. No!" said Prabowo.

"This also applies to all those who win, governors, mayors, regents. If you betray the people, sorry, I will be the first to take action against you! " he continued in a firm tone.

Prabowo juga mengajak semua pihak untuk menjaga nama baik masing-masing dengan mengingat prinsip hidup bahwa yang akan dikenang setelah kematian adalah nama baik seseorang.

“Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, gajah mati meninggalkan gading. Kita nanti akan dipanggil Tuhan, dan yang kita tinggalkan hanya nama kita. Apakah itu nama baik atau nama buruk? Sebelum bertindak, ingat selalu nama baikmu,” pungkas Prabowo.

This speech emphasized Prabowo's commitment to upholding integrity and ensuring that his government is free from corruption.

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