JAKARTA - The East Jakarta District Court will hold a follow-up hearing on the case of UMMI Hospital swab test results with the agenda of witness examination for defendant Rizieq Shihab and his son-in-law, Hanif Alatas. In a later hearing, his legal team will prepare a surprise.

Chairman of Rizieq Shihab's team of lawyers, Aziz Yanuar said the context of the surprise in question was detailed questions. Therefore, the witnesses presented by the public prosecutor (JPU) will not expect it.

"We prepare with questions and details of BAP for witnesses", Aziz Yanuar told VOI on Wednesday, April 14.

Aziz said that the questions that Rizieq's lawyers will ask will reveal the true events. Thus, the indictment of the prosecutor will be indisputable.

"The capability of the witness, the truth of the testimony, the information and testimony to the elements of the alleged article", said Aziz.

On the other hand, Rizieq's team of lawyers will also be more patient in going through the trial. Although, Aziz said if they look at previous trials their concentration and patience are often disturbed.

"Ready with patience is also even extra because it's a fasting month. Because at some previous hearings, lawyers were often provoked", Aziz said.

On different occasions, East Jakarta District Court Public Relations Alex Adam Faisal said, in the trial related to the results of the UMMI Hospital swab there were at least three defendants.

"Tomorrow's hearing is indeed the agenda of the examination of witnesses from the JPU, cases 223, 224, and 225 led by chief judge MH Khadwanto", said Alex.

For the first case with Number 223/Pid.B/2021/PN. Jkt.Tim with the accused President Director of UMMI Hospital, Dr. Andi Tatat. Then, case number 224/Pid.B/2021/PN. Jkt.Tim for defendant Muhammad Hanif Alatas.

The last case No. 225/Pid.B/2021/PN.Jkt. Team for defendant Rizieq Syihab. They were all charged almost similarly, namely spreading false news and obstructing the work of the COVID-19 Task Force.

Alex also said that in the trial the three cases would use the same scheme. That is, the trial is not broadcast live because it is included in the agenda of witness examination.

"The trial as Monday, no broadcast live streaming", he said.

In this case, Rizieq Shihab was accused of spreading false news or hoaxes that caused trouble. This false news is related to his health condition that was confirmed positive for COVID-19 while in UMMI Hospital Bogor, West Java.

"Doing, who ordered to do, and who participated in the act, by broadcasting news or false news, deliberately published a rant among the people", the prosecutor said reading the indictment in a hearing at the East Jakarta District Court, Friday, March 19.

The spread of this false news began when Rizieq Shihab wrote to Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C) on November 12, 2020. It's about the request for a medical check-up.

Then, on November 23, Hanif Alatas the defendant's son-in-law contacted dr Hadiki who referred to MRE-C as an escort. The content of the conversation was informed about the condition of the accused who suffered a health complaint.

Hadiki asked Hanif Alatas for permission to check the defendant's health. As a result, the accused was declared COVID-19 positive. In fact, the defendant's wife, Fadlun Binti Fadil was exposed.

Rizieq Shihab and his wife were admitted to UMMI Hospital, Bogor on November 24, 2020. Both are undergoing treatment in the President Suite room on the 5th floor of room number 502.

News of the accused Rizieq Shihab undergoing treatment was spread. Therefore, THE Director of UMMI Hospital dr Andi Tatat stated Rizieq Shihab's healthy condition on November 26.

Later, Hanif Alatas sent a video containing the defendant's fine health information to Zulfikar via the short message app WhatsApp. The video was then uploaded by RS UMMI Official's Youtube channel on November 29.

"In the video, the defendant appeared by providing information and information containing: Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh, alhamdulillah wa syukurillah, currently I am in UMMI Hospital and soon we will return home", said the prosecutor.

In fact, two days earlier, Kompas TV uploaded a video showing Hanif Alatas delivering Rizieq Shihab in good health. Also, the video shows Rizieq still receiving guests and eating together in the hospital room.

"Even though the statement in the video is not by the results of the antigen swab examination by dr. Hadiki Habib against the accused and his wife who declared COVID-19, strengthened by the results of the examination dr. Nerina Mayakartifa as the medical record of UMMI Hospital number 022678 on behalf of Moh. Rizieq with a diagnosis of PNEUMONIA COVID-19", said the prosecutors.

According to prosecutors, the video caused a stir. Because Padjajaran Bersatu Community Forum (FMPB) held a rally on November 30. The action was carried out because the mob believed Rizieq Shihab was still positive for COVID-19 but had been discharged from the hospital.

"With the video footage contrary to the reality caused a stir among the people and caused a commotion both the pros and cons", said the prosecutor.

Rizieq Shihab was charged with Article 14 paragraph (1), paragraph (2), Article 15 of Law No. 1 of 1946 concerning The Regulation of Criminal Law and/or Article 14 paragraph (1), paragraph (2) of Law No. 4 of 1984 concerning Infectious Disease Outbreaks and/or Article 216 of the Criminal Code jo Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.

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