YOGYAKARTA High school/vocational students who want to continue their studies to college need to check the SNBP quota, SNBT, and 2025 self-isolation.

As we know, SNBP (National Selection Based on Achievements), SNBT (National Selection Based on Tests), and self-is an entry route for SNPMB (selection (national admission of new students) for state universities (PTN), vocational schools, and state Islamic religious universities (PTKIN).

Well, the 2025 SNPMB Program for the selection of new student admissions for the 2025/2026 academic year has been launched by the Ministry of Higher Education and Technology Science (Kemdikti Saintek) on Wednesday, December 12, 2024.

At SNPMB 2025, the organizing committee applies quotas for each campus to accept new students through the SNBP, SNBT, and independent lanes. This quota is then regulated with the consideration of the type of destination campus.

For example, PTN Public Service Agency (PTN BLU) and PTN Work Unit (Satker), both types of PTN have the same quota. However, the quota is different for PTN Legal Entity (PTN BH).

The following is the percentage of quota distribution for 3 SNPMB 2025 routes based on the type of PTN:

Similar to the previous period, in the implementation of the 2025 SNPMB, schools and students are required to create an SNPMB account. Student SNPMB accounts to register for SNBP and SNBT 2025.

Pendaftaran akun SNPMB dapat dilakukan lewat situs https://portal-snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id. Sekolah yang sudah memiliki akun SNPMB tidak perlu membuat akun baru. Sedangkan, siswa lulusan gap year wajib membuat akun baru.

The following are the schedule for SNBP, SNBT, and self-isolation at SNPMB 2025:

Specifically for independent channels, the implementation schedule will adjust to each university's policies.

That's information about checking the SNBP quota, SNBT, and independent lanes. Get other election news updates only on VOI.ID.

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