JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the PDI-P (PDIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri said that she had smelled the signs of certain parties that would disrupt the PDIP Congress which would be held in 2025.

"Because I also have news later at the congress. Because now it's not working, he said, at the congress he also wanted to 'wittle' me on purpose so that I thought you had tried to 'waut awut' my party," said Megawati when she was the keynote speaker for the 'Launch and Discussion of the Titled Book: 2024 Presidential Election Between Law, Ethics, and Psychological Advisory' in Jakarta, Thursday, December 12, confiscated by Antara.

Mega herself did not explain in detail which party was suspected of disrupting the PDIP Congress in 2025.

The 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia also did not explain in detail what caused the emergence of other movements that would interfere with next year's congress.

At the Congress, PDIP will carry out several strategic agendas, one of which is the General Chair of the PDIP. One of them is the election of the general chairman of the PDIP.

However, until now Mega herself has not decided whether to run again as chairman of the PDIP.

"Now it's still cool to ask all party members by acclamation. If there is a congress, the mother must be back. It's just good, can I not retire?" Mega said.

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