JAKARTA - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution reviewed the site of a former fire that destroyed 10 houses on Pulau Sicanang Street, Ward VII, Belawan Bahari Village.

"In this visit I make sure that the basic needs of the victims have been met and the tents where residents are displaced are also in good condition", Bobby said in his Instagram @bobbynst quoted Tuesday, April 13.

Bobby on the visit promised to find a solution to the problem of the victims. Even President Joko Widodo's son-in-law promised to find a replacement place to live.

"God willing in the near future I will soon find the best solution to provide a replacement shelter for the victims of the fire", said Bobby.

Kahiyang Ayu's husband's move received support from a number of netizens. Even some of them wish Bobby well in carrying out his duties as mayor.

"Good job, hopefully, the Leader in the Republic of Indonesia more actually carry out their oath", said @sumi0805.

There are also those who advise Bobby in dealing with this incident. "There is a good settlement in belawan made the bill to be neatly arranged and clean..", @tutur_hutagalung

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