YOGYAKARTA - In the world of education, the term learning model and learning method are often used alternately. However, both of them actually have significant differences, both in terms of definition and concept. Understanding the differences in models and learning methods is very important, especially for educators, to increase the effectiveness of teaching and learning activities.

Definition Of Learning Models And Methods

The fundamental difference between learning models and learning methods can be seen from the meaning of the word 'two'. Based on the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), here are their respective definitions:

From this definition, it can be concluded that the learning model is a pattern or framework used in the learning process. Meanwhile, learning methods are ways that are done to apply this pattern so that learning goals are achieved.

For example, learning models such as problem-based learning (PBL) include a comprehensive framework to encourage students to solve certain problems. While the learning method can be in the form of group discussions, case studies, or presentations.

Apart from the meaning of the word, the differences in models and learning methods also lie in the complexity level of the concept.

1. Learning Model

The learning model includes a systematic framework that involves various stages, ranging from preparation, application, to evaluation. This model is designed to organize learning experiences so that educational goals are achieved.

According to Rahmaniati in the book Model-Model Innovative Learning (2024:2), the learning model is a systematic or design procedure that helps organize student learning experiences.

Examples of learning models:

2. Learning Method

Learning methods are more specific to the techniques or methods used in the teaching process. In contrast to macro models and cover many aspects, the method is micro and focuses more on implementation.

Examples of learning methods:

From here it can be seen that the learning model is more complex and its scope over learning methods, which focus on technical implementation of teaching.

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Relations Between Models And Learning Methods

Although different, models and learning methods are closely related. The learning model requires a method to be implemented in the teaching and learning process. On the other hand, good learning methods will be effective if applied in the framework of the appropriate learning model.

For example, in the project-based learning model, the learning methods that can be used include group work, discussion, and project results presentations. The combination of the two allows students to understand the material more deeply and be actively involved in the learning process.

Why Is Understanding This Difference Important?

Understanding the differences between learning models and learning methods helps educators choose the right approach according to students' needs and learning goals. With a good understanding, teachers can:

Different models and learning methods are in the meaning of words and some of their concepts. Learning models are a more complex framework or pattern, including preparation, implementation, and evaluation. Meanwhile, learning methods are more specific as a way or technique to carry out the teaching process.

Both of them complement each other in teaching and learning activities. A good understanding of the different models and learning methods allows teachers to design effective learning and in accordance with student needs, so that learning results can be achieved optimally.

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