JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya completed the handling of the land mafia case with the victims of dino Patti Djalal's family. The matter goes to trial soon.

"The fk and friends case files have been completed and conducted phase two or the transfer of case files to JPU Kejati DKI," Metro Jaya Police Public Relations Chief Kombes Yusri Yunus told reporters on Tuesday, April 13.

In this case, there are 15 people assigned suspects in 3 police reports (LP). One of them is referred to as the brains of evil, Fredy Kusnadi.

According to Yusri, the case file has been declared complete since March. It's just that the second stage of the deployment is just done.

"The case file has been done on March 12, 2021. Now it's just waiting for the trial process," he said.

The case came to a boil when Dino Patti Djalal claimed to have been the victim of a home certificate theft on her Twitter account @dinopattidjalal, Tuesday, February 9.

"To keep the public alert: another of my family's houses was looted by a burglary plot. Knowing the certificate of the house belonging to ibn I have switched names in BPN when there is no AJB, no transaction even no meeting with my mother," said Dino Patti Djalal.

In his thread, Dino Patti Djalal mentioned that this plot has a mode of targeting targets and then making fake ID cards.

"Colluding with black brokers and notaries bodong and pairs of figures similar to photos on the KTP paid to act as the owner of a fake ID card," continued Dino Patti Djalal.

The plot, called Dino, was planned to target his mother's house. This incident he thinks should make the police move quickly. Until finally, the perpetrators were arrested.

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