JAKARTA - Chairman of the Jakarta Anti-Corruption Public Petition (PMJAK) Hasan Assegaf assessed that the DKI Jakarta Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) was only a "connotation" in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada.

"From the start, we have encouraged the DKI Jakarta Bawaslu to stand with the community to create quality Jakarta 2024 Pilkada. However, so far we have not seen any progressive and proactive DKI Jakarta Bawaslu actions to ensure that the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada takes place in a healthy, honest and quality manner," Hasan said in his statement in Jakarta, Saturday.

According to him, there was an impression of omission, when hundreds of Campaign Performance Equipment (APK) belonging to the pair of candidates for governor and deputy governor of DKI Jakarta, Ridwan Kamil and Suswono (RIDO) were damaged and lost by irresponsible parties in a number of areas in Jakarta.

In fact, RIDO volunteers have officially reported to the DKI Jakarta Bawaslu but none have been processed and the perpetrators have been arrested.

"Bawaslu DKI Jakarta seems to be just an audience and not to be proactive in creating a healthy, honest and quality Jakarta Pilkada democratic process. As a result, it will produce the worst 2024 Pilkada in history in the election for governor of DKI Jakarta," Hasan said.

According to him, the weak supervision resulted in the lowest level of participation of Jakarta residents in the Pilkada because the distributed C6 invitations were evenly distributed to voters to be able to channel their political rights without clear reasons from the organizers, thus reaping a wave of public protests demanding justice from election organizers.

"Various fraudulent practices were carried out, where ballots were found to have been nominated by candidate pair number 3 at the Pinang Ranti TPS, East Jakarta. We strongly suspect that this practice also occurs at other polling stations, of course all of these problems will be brought by the RIDO Team to the DKPP," he said.

Meanwhile, the Coordinator of the DKI Jakarta Province Bawaslu Violation Handling Division, Benny Sabdo, said that all incoming reports must be followed up by the DKI Bawaslu.

"We, together with the people, supervise all stages of holding the DKI regional elections, so it is impossible for us to ignore public reports," said Benny.

The RIDO candidate pair legal team report regarding the alleged destruction of the APK, he said, was not registered because according to the initial study the report met the formal requirements, namely the reported party was not known.

"In fact, we have provided an opportunity for improvement, but until the specified time limit, there has been no improvement," said Benny.

Based on the applicable procedural law, added Benny, DKI Bawaslu made this as initial information.

"The reporter has also been given a copy regarding the status of the report. DKI Bawaslu always works professionally and transparently in handling cases to uphold election justice," he said.

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