JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was monitored by other law enforcers while carrying out a hand arrest operation (OTT) in Pekanbaru, Riau on Monday, December 2. The team that moved was even coded red and white.
A VOI source said this finding was obtained from the cellphone of one of the suspects who was caught in a silent operation. A message was found during the examination.
It is known that the anti-corruption commission has named three suspects from the OTT. They are Acting Mayor of Pekanbaru Risnandar Mahawa, Regional Secretary of Pekanbaru City Indra Pomi Nasution, and Plt. Head of General Section of Pekanbaru City Government Novin Karmila.
The source also revealed that the law enforcers did not only monitor the team. Warning that there should be no transactions because the KPK is moving is also conveyed.
Until this news was broadcast, there had been no statement submitted by KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika.
As previously reported, the KPK held a hand arrest operation (OTT) on Monday, December 2. Eight people were arrested in Pekanbaru, Riau and another in Jakarta.
The anti-corruption commission then determined the Acting Mayor of Pekanbaru Risnandar Mahiva, Pekanbaru Regional Secretary Indra Pomi Nasution, and Acting Head of the General Section of the Pekanbaru Regional Secretariat Novin Karmila. They are suspected of being involved in corruption in cutting the money change budget (GU) in the Pekanbaru Regional Secretariat (Setda) since July 2024.
"(The cuts, ed) are for the benefit of RM as the Acting Mayor of Pekanbaru and IPN as the Regional Secretary of Pekanbaru City," said the Deputy Chair of the KPK at a press conference, Wednesday morning, December 4.
In addition, the KPK also suspects that Risnandar will receive a share from the addition of the Regional Secretariat budget for eating and drinking in November 2024. Ghufron said this money came from the regional budget (APBD).
"From this addition, it is suspected that the Acting Mayor received a quota of Rp. 2.5 billion," he explained.
As for what was found when the OTT reached Rp6.8 billion. As a result of their actions, they were suspected of violating Article 12 f and Article 12 B of the Law (UU) on the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption (Tipikor).
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