The General Election Commission (KPU) of East Kotawaringin Regency (Kotim), Central Kalimantan has determined the candidate pair (paslon) for Regent Halikinnor and Deputy Regent of Irawati as winners in the Kotim Regional Head Election (Pilkada), based on the results of the recapitulation of votes.
"We have completed the district level recapitulation and determined the results for the election of the Regent and Deputy Regent of Kotim in the 2024 Pilkada," said KPU Chairman of Kotim Muhammad Rifqi in Sampit, Antara, Friday, December 6.
The open plenary meeting of the recapitulation of vote count results held for two days, namely 4-5 December 2024, is a form of responsibility for the KPU as the organizer of the general election in order to maintain integrity and transparency in every stage of the election.
The recapitulation of the vote count results was carried out in stages, starting from the polling stations (TPS), then the village/kelurahan level by the voting committee (PPS), the sub-district level by the sub-district election committee (PPK) and the district level by the local KPU.
Based on the recapitulation of the vote acquisition results for the Regent and Deputy Regent Elections, KPU Kotim noted that of the 309,973 voters who entered the final voter list (DPT) in the local area, there were 210,576 voters who exercised their voting rights, covering 200,049 valid votes and 10,527 invalid votes.
Then from the valid vote Paslon 01 Halikinnor-Irawati won 79,210 votes, Paslon 02 Sanidin-Siyono 70,778 votes and Paslon 03 Muhammad Rudini Darwan Ali-Paisal Dar each 50,061 votes.
If calculated by percentage, candidate pair 01 Halikinnor-Irawati gets 39.60 percent of the votes, candidate pair 02 Sanidin-Siyono 35.38 percent of the votes and candidate pair 03 Muhammad Rudini Darwan Ali-Paisal Dar masing 25.02 percent of the votes.
Rifqi explained that the determination that his party carried out was only to determine the results of the recapitulation of votes, while the determination of the elected regional head was the authority of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
"Regarding the appointment of the elected regional head later. Because it is a provision of the Ministry of Home Affairs for the determination and inauguration of regional heads," he said.
He continued, for the next stage, his party is still waiting, because according to the provisions that apply within three days of the determination of the results of the recapitulation of votes by the KPU, witnesses or the candidate pair team can submit legal remedies related to these results to the Constitutional Court (MK).
If no one submits a legal action, then the stages of announcement and determination of the elected regional head can be faster. On the other hand, if anyone objects, it will take time to process it.
"So to the candidate pairs who object to the results of this recapitulation have the right to submit legal remedies to the Constitutional Court," he explained.
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