JAKARTA - The Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) reported that the voter participation rate in the 2024 Jakarta Regional Head Election (Pilkada) only reached 58 percent of the total 8,214,007 people recorded on the permanent voter list (DPT).
"The results of the recapitulation of each city have been completed and we recorded that the level of participation in the Jakarta Pilkada has reached 58 percent," said KPU Jakarta Commissioner Fahmi Ziryptah after attending the recapitulation of the vote results in the Gambir area, Thursday, December 5, as reported by ANTARA.
Fahmi explained that the Jakarta KPU will evaluate comprehensively to identify the factors causing the low level of voter participation in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada.
"We will conduct a study to obtain complete data regarding the causes of the decline in participation, so that it can be a lesson for the next election," said Fahmi.
Responding to the accusation that the low participation was due to the undistribution of the C6 form (notification letter to voting), Fahmi considered this to be unrelated.
"Socialization has been carried out widely, both through social media and mass media. The C6 form is only a notification and is not the main requirement to choose. Residents registered with the DPT can still exercise their voting rights even without the C6 form," he explained.
He likened the C6 form to the concert notification: "C6 is not an entry ticket. So, even if it doesn't get a notification, residents can still vote at the TPS according to the DPT," added Fahmi.
Previously, candidate pair team number 1, Ridwan Kamil-Suswono (Rido), urged a re-voting (PSU). One of the reasons proposed is the low voter participation in the Jakarta Pilkada and the uneven distribution of the C6 form.
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