Spokesperson for the Presidential Communication Office, Adita Irawati, apologized for the use of the term " common people" in an interview related to the behavior of the Presidential Special Envoy, Miftah Maulana Habiburrahman, or Gus Miftah.

"I understand that the diction I am using is considered inappropriate. For that, I personally apologize for this incident which caused controversy in the community," Adita said through the official Instagram account @pco.ri, Friday, December 6, 2024.

Adita explained that the use of the term "umer people" does not mean to demean the public.

"I need to say that this incident was not intentional at all. I use this term in accordance with the meaning stated in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), which means ordinary people, namely we are all Indonesian people," he explained.

Adita admits that she will carry out introspection and is committed to being more careful in using language, especially in official contexts.

"Once again, there is no intention of weakening or degrading anyone. We will continue to introspect ourselves and be more careful in choosing diction when carrying out tasks to communicate strategic policies and priority programs. I apologize profusely," he said.

This apology is expected to reduce polemics in the community regarding the use of the term. Adita also emphasized her commitment to prioritize more inclusive and sensitive communication in the future.

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