JAYAPURA - Head of Puncak Police, Kompol I Nyoman Punia, said KKB Lekagak Telenggen and Kelenak Murib released 16 construction workers at the puskesmas in West Sinak, Puncak Regency, Central Papua.
The workers were arrested because the KKB on behalf of residents demanded payment of various materials taken and used to build health centers such as sand, stones and wood.
"The material price used reached around R 3 billion, while only Rp1 billion was paid, so KKB made a video and asked for payment to be paid," said Puncak Police Chief Kompol I Nyoman Punia as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, December 5.
After payment, the 16 construction workers were released and are now at the Sinak Police Station.
The condition of the workers is in good health, because for several days they continue to carry out their activities as usual but only around the puskesmas.
The video uploaded by the KKB on November 30 shows several members carrying long-barreled firearms and asking the Puncak Regional Government to immediately pay wages and various materials taken from community-owned land.
After payment was made to the material owner's community, the workers were taken to Sinak, while the KKB members had left the area.
During the trip from the TKP in West Sinak, the construction workers were escorted by security forces from the TNI-Polri to the Sinak Police Station in a safe condition.
"The construction workers are scheduled for Friday (6/12) to be returned to Timika," said Punia Police Chief.
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