KENDARI - The Regional Police (Polda) of Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) imposed sanctions for the former Head of the Baito Police, South Konawe, Ipda Muhammad Idris in the form of demonstrations and special placements (Patsus) following the case of receiving Rp2 million from honorary teachers at SDN 4 Baito Supriyani.
Head of Public Relations of the Southeast Sulawesi Police, Kombes Iis Kristian, said that his party had completed the code of ethics trial of two Polri personnel who had served at the Baito Police, namely the Head of the Ipda Muhammad Idris Police and the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit Aipda Amiruddin.
"The code of ethics trial (Ipda Muhammad Idris and Aipda Amiruddin) was due to a request for assistance from a sum of money to the party (SDN 4 honorary teacher Baito Supriyani) related to the case he was handling," said Iis Kristian as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, December 5.
The ethics trial against Ipda Muhammad Idris was chaired directly by the Head of Propam Polda Sultra Kombes Moch. Sholeh, while the Aipda Amiruddin trial was chaired by the Deputy Chief of South Konawe Police, Kompol Dedi Hartoyo.
"The trial was also attended by a number of witnesses, then also attended by the reporting legal adviser," he said.
Based on the facts revealed in the code of ethics trial, the Chairman of the Commission stated that Ipda Muhammad Idris was proven to have committed a violation in the form of a request for cash assistance to Supriyani.
"The head of the code of ethics trial commission handed down a verdict in the form of a seven-day special committee and a one-year demonstration, as well as ethical sanctions in the form of an apology to the institution for what he has done," said Iis Kristian.
Likewise with Aipda Amiruddin, who was proven in the trial to have committed a violation in the form of asking Supriyani for Rp2 million, and being sentenced to Patsus for 21 days and demotion for two years, as well as ethical sanctions in the form of apologies to institutions for their actions.
"The implementation of this code of ethics commission trial is part of enforcing ethical and disciplinary law against police personnel who violate," explained Iis Kristian.
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