JAKARTA - The chairman of the DPR and the chairman of the PDIP DPP, Puan Maharani, was reluctant to comment on the meeting of PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto with the ex-lover of the son of the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia Kaesang Pangarep, Felicia Tissue.

"Yes, ask Mr. Hasto, it was Mr. Hasto who met Mr. Hasto," said Puan, Thursday, December 5.

However, Puan considers the meeting of Hasto and Felicia to be limited to a gathering. Moreover, Hasto personally is a lecturer at the Defense University (IDU).

"It must be distinguished, yes, this meeting is Pak Hasto as a person or later as a secretary general. If I see it, it's a meeting between two people who both have a gathering," said Puan.

Previously, PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto revealed that he accepted an invitation to a meeting with PSI Chairman Kaesang Pangarep's ex-lover, Felicia Tissue.

Hasto did not specify the timing and location of the meeting. However, it admitted to exchanging valuable information with Felicia and her mother.

"I was contacted because from Mrs. May, Felicia's mother, contacted me and said that when her family became victims, they gave in and only asked for her justice," said Hasto at Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta, Wednesday, December 4.

Hasto revealed, Felicia also asked what is meant by gratification.

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