PENAJAM - North Penajam Paser Police have named a state civil servant (ASN) as a suspect for attending the debate activity of the candidate pair participating in the 2024 regional head election or regional elections.
"An ASN has been named a criminal election suspect," said North Penajam Paser Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP Dian Kusnawan in Penajam, Antara, Thursday, December 5.
The determination of the suspect after the local integrated law enforcement team (Gakkumdu) conducted an investigation and transferred the case to the Resort Police.
Previously there was a report submitted by the public, saying that a doctor with ASN status attended the debate between the two pairs of candidates for regent and deputy regent of North Penajam Paser Regency on a television station on November 14, 2024.
The report, accompanied by evidence in the form of a screenshot of the face suspected of being an ASN, was accidentally caught on camera during the debate between the regent and deputy regent candidates.
"Then there is also screenshot evidence from the web checking of Indonesian civil servant medical (PNS)." he said.
"The ASN case was declared to have fulfilled the element of election crime by Gakkumdu and forwarded to the North Penajam Paser Police," he added.
The North Penajam Paser Police moved quickly after the ASN case was transferred, the police examined several witnesses, including the reported and the complainant.
"The results of the examination are sufficient evidence, so that the ASN concerned is named a suspect in an election crime," he said.
Penajam Paser Utara Police Satreskrim investigators are finalizing the ASN case file, and it is targeted that it will be transferred to the local District Attorney this week, said Dian Kusnawan.
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