JAKARTA AP (40), a victim of violence by his son, MAS (14) is reported to often experience trauma due to the incident that happened to him, on Saturday, November 30, 2024, at 01.00 WIB, at Bona Indah Housing, Lebak Bulus, Cilandak, South Jakarta.

Although his condition is said to be getting better, AP often shows a sad attitude, crying, and fear for what he experienced. He seemed hit and did not expect the baby's actions.

Moreover, her husband, APW (40) died in a tragic way. Likewise with her mother, MAS grandmother, or APW's in-laws, died with full stab wounds.

Two people closest to AP (husband and mother), left in a way he never imagined. Therefore AP often screams, hysterically at Fatmawati Hospital, South Jakarta.

"Still likes it, it's like that, it's like that. It's still hysterical. Maybe because of trauma, deep trauma," said AP's cousin, Angga Raditya, to the media, recently.

Angga paid attention to AP's health progress, after the incident he was bleeding at his son's actions.

"Fysics is good, it's still the same as yesterday. The recovery went smoothly. Only the psychological needs intensive care. (But) when you talk to your close family, you can already respond," he continued.

MAS (14) killed his father, APW (40) and his grandmother, RM (69) with a kitchen knife. His mother was also targeted by MAS. But fortunately AP is still safe until now and is undergoing treatment at Fatmawati Hospital.

The incident occurred at the Bona Indah Park Housing Block B6, Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta, Saturday 30 November 2024 at 01.00 WIB.

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