BOGOR DPRD Bogor City through the Special Committee (Pansus) is discussing the Draft Regional Regulation (Raperda) initiative regarding the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Education Environment (PPKLP).

This Raperda was discussed with the Education Office (Disdik) and the Legal Section of the Bogor City Secretariat to become a legal umbrella in dealing with violence in schools.

The chairman of the Special Committee for the PPKLP Raperda, Nasya Kharisa Lestari, explained that this meeting was aimed at equalizing the perception between the DPRD and the Bogor City Government, as well as perfecting the articles in the draft Raperda.

"This Raperda is designed to be effective and applicative so that it can reduce and even eliminate violence in schools," said Nasya.

A member of the Special Committee, Desy Yanthi Utami, stated that the preparation of the PPKLP Raperda had referred to Permendikbudristek Number 45 of 2023. This Raperda includes prevention of physical, verbal, non-verbal violence, and online violence.

"We want to ensure that children in Bogor City can study in a safe and protected environment from all forms of violence," said Desy, who is familiarly called Teh Dea.

This Raperda includes 71 articles that regulate various forms of violence, including physical, psychological violence, bullying, sexual violence, discrimination, intolerance, to policies that have the potential to cause violence.

The records of the Regional Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAID) of Bogor City show that throughout 2023 there were 11 cases of violence in the educational environment.

"The city of Bogor, which holds the title of Child-Friendly City, rank Nindya, should no longer face cases of violence in schools. This Raperda is expected to be a strong legal solution and protection for students," said Dea.

Dea also emphasized the importance of budget readiness to implement this Raperda after it was ratified. The allocation of 20 percent of the education budget from the APBD is expected to support student prevention and protection programs in schools.

"We will ensure a proportional allocation of funds so that this program can run optimally even with budget constraints," he concluded.

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