JAKARTA - The police are investigating the case of the exhumation of the father (APW) and grandmother (RM) by a teenager with the initials MAS (14) by stabbing to death and injuring his mother (AP) at the Bona Indah Housing, Lebak Bulus, Cilandak, South Jakarta. The police conducted a urine check on MAS teenagers to see the possibility of their motivation. "Meanwhile, a urine check is being carried out," said Head of Public Relations of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Nurma Dewi to reporters in Jakarta, Saturday, November 30.
Nurma said that her party was still conducting investigations at the South Jakarta Metro Police to continue to dig up information from the alleged perpetrator. However, MAS is still silent and has not provided information. The police are also still investigating the motives of the alleged perpetrator MAS. "Now it has been secured again and asked why, why and how the incident happened. Because the child is still being asked to remain silent. The motive is still being investigated," said Nurma. A teenager with the initials MAS (14) killed by stabbing his father (APW) and grandmother (RM) to death and injuring his mother (AP) at the Bona Indah Housing, Lebak Bulus, Cilandak, South Jakarta, Saturday at 01.00 WIB.
"The female victim with the initials RM (69) and the male initials APW (40) died, while the victim with the initials AP (40) suffered serious injuries," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi when confirmed, quoted from ANTARA. Ade said, based on the testimony of a witness who is a security officer at the Bona Indah Housing with the initials AP, MAS was seen walking quickly from the location. Because security officers had received a report about the murder at the victim's house, witness AP immediately called the perpetrator.
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