JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is investigating the whereabouts of Sahbirin Noor or Uncle Birin, who was named a suspect but won a pretrial lawsuit. This step was taken because the former Governor of South Kalimantan was absent twice from summons as a witness.
"We are also looking for information on where it is," said KPK Director of Investigation Asep Guntur Rahayu to reporters at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, quoted Friday, November 29.
Asep said that the summons to Uncle Birin in the bribery case within the South Kalimantan Provincial Government (Pemprov) had been sent before the examination schedule. "We did call him at that time addressed to the governor's official residence," he said.
However, his letter was returned to the KPK because Sahbirin was not found. "It turns out that the person concerned has resigned so he is no longer at home," explained Asep.
Uncle Birin is absent from two investigators' summons scheduled for Monday, November 18 and Friday, November 22.
The KPK confirmed that it would continue to look for Uncle Birin and try to ask for his statement. In fact, they tried to find him when voting for candidates for governor and deputy governor of South Kalimantan on Wednesday, November 27.
However, these efforts are still deadlocked. This is because the family concerned also participated in the contestation. We hope that the person concerned does not exist after being monitored," said Asep.
Previously reported, the KPK named former South Kalimantan Governor Sahbirin Noor or Uncle Birin as suspects for receiving bribes along with four other people.
They are the Head of the Public Works and Spatial Planning (PUPR) Office of the South Kalimantan Provincial Government Ahmad Solhan (SOL), the Head of Cipta Karya as well as the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) of the South Kalimantan Provincial Government Yulianti Erlynah (YUL), the Management of the Tahfidz Darussalam House as well as the collector of money or fee Ahmad (AMD) and Plt. Head of the Household Section of the Governor of South Kalimantan Agustya Febry Andrean (FEB).
Meanwhile, as the suspect givers, namely Sugeng Wahyudi (YUD) and Andi Susanto (AND) as private parties. A total of seven suspects were named by the KPK which began with a hand arrest operation (OTT) on Sunday, October 6.
This gift was made after Sugeng and Andi got three projects in South Kalimantan. The details:
1. Construction of Football Fields in the Integrated Sports Area of South Kalimantan Province with selected provider PT WKM (Wismani Kharya Mandiri) with a work value of IDR 23 billion;
2. Integrated Samsat Development with selected provider PT HIU (Haryadi Indo Utama) with a work value of IDR 22 billion;
3. Development of Swimming Pools in the Integrated Sports Area of South Kalimantan Province with the selected provider CV BBB (Bunt Banua Bersama) with a work value of IDR 9 billion.
However, Uncle Birin's suspect status was later dropped by the South Jakarta District Court (PN). He won a pretrial lawsuit against the KPK because he did not accept being entangled in this case.
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