JAKARTA - A number of disasters have occurred in recent times. Related to this, Head of Publication and News Section of the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) Herman Koswara said the provision of assistance for affected victims is certainly in accordance with the data owned by regional social services.

"The mechanism of distribution of aid is certainly based on data on the number of victims. Well, Kemensos itself has social services in the area," Herman said when contacted by VOI by telephone, Monday, April 12.

In providing assistance to the victims affected by the disaster, the Ministry of Social Affairs also did not move on its own. Herman said that his party is also assisted by other parties including the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) as well as the local government.

"In the handling of this disaster is not purely Kemensos because the emergency response is in BNPB. Post-disaster terms, new Kemensos contributed there. So actually if asked the mechanism, yes, must be synergy between BNPB, Kemensos, and local government," he said.

The coordination conducted by BNPB and Kemensos, said Herman, has also been going well. Moreover, it has learned from the disaster events that have previously occurred in the country.

He ensured the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) will continue to be present in the midst of the disaster. "Because if a disaster event somehow has to be handled because it's a symbol of the state present," he explained.

"Of course if we think we work alone it's hard but there is a term of coordination that is integrated both in discussion, handling, and implementation and we are also many partners in the region," added Herman.

Furthermore, Herman also mentioned, with the many disasters that have occurred in Indonesia lately his party will continue to strive to meet basic needs. Especially those in the evacuation area.

"It has been met (refugee needs, red). But, if the disaster is not at once fulfilled. This is what needs to be understood. Numbers are always on the move. Why, the example of today's earthquake event is considered complete could be but tomorrow there may be aftershocks," he concluded.

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