JAKARTA - The Commander of the Joint Regional Defense Command (Pangkogabwilhan) Laksmana Madya TNI Yudo Margono stated that the emergency hospital handling the corona virus or COVID-19 on Galang Island, Riau Islands is prioritized for treating patients from migrant workers or Indonesian workers (TKI) who work at overseas.

Yudo said that the hospital with a development that had reached 96 percent had placed patients with COVID-19 cases from the mild to moderate category.

"This is specifically for patients from abroad, namely migrants who are prioritized. However, if there are no migrants, it can also be used for people from (outside) hospitals that cannot accommodate," Yudo said at the conference press at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Friday, April 3.

President Joko Widodo has warned of the return of millions of migrant workers who will return to Indonesia due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, thousands of TKI from Malaysia who have returned to Indonesia, as well as the return of crew or crew (ABK) which is estimated to reach 11 thousand people.

Therefore, Yudo said that Kogapwilhan I coordinated 20 thousand personnel to oversee the implementation of the return of these migrant workers. Kogapwilhan I together with the Indonesian Navy will operate the KRI ship which is currently on stand by in Batam.

"At any time, the KRI will be used to transport personnel, especially those to Java. Migrant personnel from Malaysia, especially those who are positive, will also be accommodated at Galang Hospital," he explained.

The hospital, which will be operated on Monday, April 6, can accommodate as many as 460 patients, both positive for COVID-19 and patients under surveillance (PDP). There are two types of buildings, namely the renovation of the former Vietnamese refugee camp and new buildings.

Galang Hospital also has a helipad area as a helicopter pad when evacuating in an emergency. Then, the location of the COVID-19 emergency hospital is also close to the pier.

"There is a pier there that supports the readiness of the hospital. From Batam, the distance is not far, just 30 minutes by road," he said.

This hospital will be equipped with various other facilities, such as a radiology room, a pharmacy room, nutrition room, laundry and incinerators or waste management.

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