JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Legal And Security Politics (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said the state losses due to the issuance of Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Certificate (SKL) reached Rp110 trillion.

It is known, after he called the Director General of State Wealth Kemenkeu Ronald Silaban and the Young Attorney General of Civil and State Administration (Jamdatun) Kejagung Feri Wibosono to his office on Monday, April 12.

"I just called the Director General of State Wealth and Jamdatun from the Attorney General's Office to calculate (loss, red) Rp109 more almost Rp110 trillion. So it's not just Rp108 trillion," Mahfud said in a video statement to reporters, Monday, April 12.

Furthermore, Mahfud said that the government is currently following the decision of the Supreme Court (MA) which states that there is no element of criminal law in the case of the issuance of SKL BLBI. If anyone objected, the former Constitutional Court (MK) allows the public to report the alleged criminal element in this case to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

"Ma has now made a decision that we can not refuse. That's ma's business," he said.

"That there are people still questioning it please report to the MA, but for the government BLBI policy in 1998 it is finished, it is considered true even though the state includes losses," added Mahfud.

Previously reported, Mahfud MD has raised the issue of a Warrant to Stop Investigation (SP3) case of alleged corruption of SKL BLBI issued by KPK. According to him, the issuance of SP3 is a consequence of the Supreme Court's verdict.

"The release of SP3 by KPK to Samsul Nursalim &Itjih in the case of BLBI (Konpres KPK dated 1/4/21) provoked a boisterous. SP3 is a consequence of the verdict of ma bhw the case is not criminal," he said as quoted from Twitter @mohmahfudmd, Thursday, April 8.

For information, the Supreme Court's decision mentioned by Mahfud was the verdict against Syafruddin Arsyad Temenggung. Through the verdict numbered 1555 K/PID. SUS/2019, MA acquitted Syafruddin at the cassation level and called the case not a criminal act but a civil one.

"Samsul N and Itjih were made suspects by the KPK along with former Head of IBRA Syafruddin Tumenggung (ST). ST was sentenced to corruption by PN, 13 yrs plus a fine of 700 jt and toughened by PT to 15 yrs plus a fine of 1M. But MA acquitted ST with a verdict, kss it's not criminal," he said.

He then said the KPK had filed a review of the ruling. However, Syafruddin remained free and a married couple, Sjamsul and Itjih Nursalim also participated.

Furthermore, the government will do the billing and hunting down the assets of the perpetrators. Because, the debt in this case reaches more than Rp108 trillion.

Thus, the President then issued a Presidential Decree (Keppres) on April 6. "The President referred to the Presidential Decree No. 6 of 2021 concerning the Task Force on Handling the Rights of State Bill of Blbi Funds. In the presidential decree there are 5 ministers plus the Attorney General and the Chief of Police who are tasked with directing the Task Force to conduct billing and processing of all guarantees to immediately become state assets," he said.

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