JEMBER - Ramadan fasting is performed early by the congregation of Pesantren Mahfilud Dluror in Suger Kidul Village, Jember Regency and the location of pesantren on the border of Jember Regency with Bondowoso Regency, East Java.

On Sunday, April 11, the congregation had performed tarawih prayers followed by Monday, April 12, began to perform ramadan fasting.

"Alhamdulillah we perform tarawih prayers on Sunday night and starting today we fast followed by some residents of Jember and Bondowoso, as well as alumni pesantren," said Nanny Pondok Pesantren (Ponpes) Mahfilud Dluror, KH Ali Wafa when contacted reported from Antara, Monday, April 12.

In addition to students, tarawih prayers are also followed by residents around the site while complying with health protocols because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to Ali Wafa the determination of the beginning of fasting in Pesantren Mahfilud Dluror based on the salaf Nushatul Majaalis wa Muntahobul Nafaais applied since 1826.

So it does not use the method of reckoning and rukyat as implemented by the government and Muhammadiyah.

"The determination of the beginning of fasting based on the belief that uses the reference khumasi system (from Arabic means five / khomsatun) based on the book of Nushatul Majaalis by Syeh Abdurrohman As Shufuri As Syafi'i which has been run 195 years ago," he said.

He explained that the system of khumasi calculation that is the determination of the beginning of fasting this year can be by calculating five days from the beginning of the previous year's fast, so that the ponpes can also determine the beginning of fasting in 2022.

"The beginning of Ramadan in 2020 falls on Thursday, so five days from the beginning of fasting last year namely Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday the start of the beginning of Ramadan this year," he said.

In 2020, Pesantren Mahfilud Dluror also fasted earlier than the government because it used the reference of the salaf.

"We hope that the difference in the determination of the beginning of fasting in Pesantren Mahfilud Dluror is also appreciated by other Muslims, but so far it has never triggered conflict among Muslims," he said.

Previously Muhammadiyah had determined the beginning of Ramadan 1442 Hijri fell on April 13, 2021, while Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) carried out rukyatul hilal on this Monday.

The government through the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) will hold a session on isbat or the determination of the beginning of Ramadan 1442 H based on observations of hilal throughout Indonesia.

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