FLORES TIMUR - A total of 18 out of a total of 26 people who went missing during a landslide on the slopes of the Ile Ape volcano, Waimatan Village, Lembata Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) were found dead.

"There are currently eight more in the search," Said East Ile Ape Camat Niko Watun in Lembata quoted Antara, Saturday, April 10.

The report was compiled based on the search process by residents along with the Basarnas Joint Team and the Police Animal Police Unit of Mabes Polri almost the last week since the incident on Sunday, April 4.

Niko said landslides in the region hit three villages on the slopes of Mount Ile Ape, namely Waimatan, Lamagute, and Lamawolo.

The highest death toll is in Waimatan Village. While the other three who also died were in Lamawolo Village.

The incident occurred, according to Niko, because the community in Waimatan Village tends to ignore the early warning delivered by the district through WhatsApp messages of the group of residents, a few hours before the event occurred.

"Because waimatan people feel the village is far from the river path in Kelar Hamlet, so they think the land does not come down to their village. It was Easter night too, so they slept well," he said.

Niko said the disaster that occurred at about 02:00 WITA also resulted in more than 900 residents in the three regions were homeless. A total of 29 houses in Waimatan Village and 109 houses in Lamawolo Village. "Some are buried and heavily damaged," he said.

Waimatan village is on the slopes of Ile Api Volcano. Its position is right on the trans Ile Api Road track that surrounds around the center of the mountain.

Niko recounts the heavy rain pouring down the top of the mountain since 00.00 WIB. Suddenly the ground mixed with mud and cold lava slid from the top of the mountain to break the body of the Trans Ile Ape Road.

A total of 29 houses in Waimetan Village which is right on the side of the road body were buried and partially pushed to fall into the mountainside.

"Currently, our survivors are evacuated to the sub-district office. Half of them are in the family home. They are self-displaced," he said.

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