JAKARTA - The Minang or Minangkabau people in West Sumatra are of matrilineal descent or maternal lineage. So almost all children are born following their mother's tribe.

The matrilineal system also makes the inheritance system different. If men usually get the most share of inheritance, then not with matrilineal adherents. The heirs of women who will have the most share, namely daughters and granddaughters.

Minang Diaspora Network Global (MDN-G) coach Fasli Jalal said that despite having a higher position and gaining pusako treasures, it did not make minang women sit in their comfort zones.

"This makes minang women in their comfort zone. It turns out that in the middle of comfort, minang's extraordinary female figures were born siti manggopoh," he said in a virtual discussion, Saturday, April 10.

Not less than the previous generation, said Fasli, Padusi Minang today was successful. Starting from being a minister to succeeding in leading the company.

"Then what about the replacement generation? Today we see how extraordinary the replacement generation of these seniors is. So minang women even in their comfort zone with various protections from mamak, from high pusako treasures and so on still do not stop for a career," he said.

One of them is Nurhayati Subakat. He is the founder and president commissioner of PT Paragon Technologi and Innovation. This woman of Minang descent said there are five things to be aware of when becoming a female leader.

"Women's leadership, having to be environmentally sensitive, very caring, the desire to do things, not quickly give up and focus on goals. It's an advantage of women," she said.

The owner of wardah cosmetics brand said in leading the company, he always moves with heart. It means putting forward the value of deity. Then, also put forward concern by moving the mind or humility and innovation.

"In our company is the first godliness, concern, humility, toughness and innovation. I think these five values, in Minang this is commonplace like this," he explained.

According to Nurhayati, the five core values that help Paragon become a useful, growing and sustainable company with meaningful in every process.

"I started from the home industry with two employees now has become the largest local industry in Indonesia with 20 hectares of factory, then the distribution center is already 41. One of them is in Malaysia," he said.

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