JAKARTA - The ark of the Sanusi household with Sopiah ended tragically. The chronic marriage with the gift of several children was closed with an affair between Sopiah and another man.

Sopiah's affair with a man named Ardi Wibowo who had been hidden for several months was finally exposed. The story begins, Tuesday afternoon, November 26.

At that time, the sun was quite stinging. Riding a motorcycle, Sanusi headed to his residence on Jalan H Montong, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta after earning a living for his family. He had not yet set foot in the house, it was a heart-wrenching sight to see.

His beloved wife, went out with a man. Sanusi's emotions exploded. He then grabbed the gas on his motorbike, chasing his wife for an explanation.

After a while, Sanusi caught up with the car his wife was carrying. The 44-year-old man immediately stopped his motorcycle right in front of the black car.

Unfortunately, the car was still going at its speed. The iron horse that was ridden by Sanusi was hit. Sanusi suffered no significant injuries. He racked his brain and chose to shout "thief" toward Ardi and his wife's ride.

Immediately, the local residents became involved in the Sanusi and Sopiah household conflicts. "Local residents who thought that the car was indeed a thief helped to catch up," said Jagakarsa Police Chief, Kompol Harsono, when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, November 27.

Seeing the crowd of residents who were chasing, the speed of the black car accelerated. Like a professional racer, Ardi cut the road. Instead of wanting to escape, it was disaster that was obtained.

While trying to escape, Ardi crashed into a motorbike rider and a taxi. Two collisions which further provoked the local residents. The chase stopped at Jalan Moch Khafi, which is about 300 meters from Sanusi's house.

"The car in question cannot pass because the road is blocked by a truck," said Harsono.

No longer able to do anything, Ardi resigned to accept the tantrums of the local people. In fact, it was only discovered that there were two other men in the car. All of them became targets of anger.

Once a resident, Ardi and two of his colleagues were arrested by police officers. The traffic case is currently being handled. Meanwhile, the case of the affair was handed over to the South Jakarta Metro Police.

"Now the driver has been handled by the South Jakarta Laka Unit. Meanwhile, the woman and three driver friends are still at the Police," said Harsono.

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