JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya will investigate the report of a woman named Irni for allegedly arresting or seizing independence allegedly carried out by the wife of hotma lawyer Sitompoel, Desiree Tarigan and her son, Bambang Reguna aka Bams.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said that the deepening was done by examining reporters and witnesses. Thus, the sequence of events can be analyzed.

"We first clarify the concerned by bringing evidence that there is evidence whatsapp other evidence or the possibility of other witnesses that we verify," Yusri told reporters, Friday, April 9.

After examining the reporter and witnesses from the reporting party, said Yusri, investigators will invite the reported party to be clarified. There are at least four reported in this case.

"There are 4 people reported DT, V, BR and PR," yusri said.

As for the chronological question of confinement, Yusri mentions happened last February. The whistleblower who was then a former domestic assistant (ART) from the reported was arrested for allegedly delivering the conversation of the reported.

But it did not elaborate on who the talks were delivered to and the content of the talks themselves.

"The initial statement that this pioneer felt harmed because he had been accused of having reported a conversation through WhatsApp Group. Then from the result was around February 24, then the reporter was locked in one room for 1 day it was a confession from the reporter but the 25th was released then the reporter was fired from his job," said Yusri.

For that reason, Irni reported his former employer. The report has been registered with the number LP/1839/IV/YAN.2.5/2021/SPKT PMJ dated April 6, 2021. There are four people reported in this case, namely Vino, Prianka Reguna Bukit, Bambang Reguna Bukit, and Desiree Tarigan.

In the report, the reported allegedly violated Article 333 of the Criminal Code juncto Article 30 of Law No. 19 of 2016 on Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE). The article relates to deprivation of liberty and/or accessing the electronic data of others without permission.

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