As many as six people were rescued from victims of the crime of trafficking in Iraq. Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Minister (PPMI) Abdul Kadir Karding said that currently the 6 people would be returned to their respective regions.
The 6 victims of the TIP who were repatriated were Putri Mufidah from Purwakarta, West Java, Utami Anggraeni (Makassar, South Sulawesi), Maskanah (Sumbawa, NTB), Jasmi (Grobogan, Central Java), Mariani (East Lombok, NTB), and Ai Komariah (Ciamis, West Java).
These non-procedural Indonesian migrant workers are victims of TIP who will be dispatched to Iraq. So, their number is six people from several regions in Indonesia, Abdul at Soekarno Hatta Airport, Saturday, November 9.
Abdul said the prospective non-procedural migrant workers who were successfully thwarted by the South Jakarta Police were female aged 30 to 40 years.
"We do this because we realize that there are definitely many things that happen, so many of our prospective migrant workers depart with certain modes, for example using Umrah visas," he said.
He also revealed that the failure of the non-procedural smuggling of prospective workers has become the full attention of the government. Therefore, his party will continue to try to eradicate the mafia or the perpetrators of the TIP.
"According to the law, the perpetrators will be punished for at least 10 years of suspicion and a fine of up to Rp. 5 billion. So, don't mess around with things like this," he said.
In addition to efforts to eradicate, added Kadir, the government and all stakeholders must play an active role in providing education to the community, especially in rural areas that are targeted by the TIP mafia.
"We have to do this together, we need the cooperation of many parties, especially the main conditions for someone to leave procedurally, there must be family permission, BPJS letter, competence, must see reading there is cooperation in placement and contract. So, we have to educate the public because I believe this incident is not just this," he explained.
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