JAKARTA - The government set the provisions in the ban on Eid al-Fitr homecoming this year. There are a number of parties who are allowed to travel for certain reasons other than homecoming.

COVID-19 Handling Task Force Spokesman Wiku Adisasmito said travelers who are allowed to travel outside the city are required to self-isolate for 5 days.

"People who get permission to travel in this period are required to conduct self-quarantine for 5x24 hours upon arrival at the destination before doing activities," Wiku said in a Youtube broadcast of the Presidential Secretariat, Thursday, April 8.

Despite having bagged negative COVID-19 test results as a condition of travel, Wiku said this isolation is necessary to anticipate transmission during the trip. Then, the cost of isolation is also borne by yourself.

"Quarantine is carried out fasiilitas areas and hotels that apply prokes strictly using independent costs," said Wiku.

The reasons excluded in the ban on Eid al-Fitr 2021 homecoming are for work/business travel, sick family visits, funeral visits of deceased family members, pregnant women accompanied by one family member, and the interests of childbirth accompanied by a maximum of two people.

Then, people traveling across cities/districts/provinces/countries during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr must have a print out written travel permit or SIKM as a requirement to travel.

The requirement to make SIKM for employees of government agencies, BUMN / BUMD, TNI soldiers, and members of the National Police is to attach a print out of a written permission letter from echelon II-level officials equipped with an official's signature and identity of prospective travelers.

"For private employees attach a print out written permission letter from the head of the company that is equipped with the signature of the head of the company as well as the identity of prospective travelers," he said.

Then, for informal sector workers attach a print out written permission letter from the head of the village / lurah equipped with a wet signature / electronic signature of the head of the village / lurah as well as the identity of prospective travelers.

Meanwhile, for the general public non-workers attach a print out written permission letter from the head of the village / lurah equipped with a wet signature / electronic signature of the head of the village / lurah as well as the identity of prospective travelers.

"SIKM applies individually, applies to one round trip, and is mandatory for adult travelers aged 17 years and above," he explained.

In addition to SIKM, all travelers who are allowed to travel must also attach negative results of COVID-19 tests using either PCR, rapid test antigen, or GeNose C19.

This screening is done at the arrival gate or control post located in the rest area, the border of the big city, checkpoints and agglomeration area sealing points by members of the TNI / Police and local governments.

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