JAKARTA – To support the policy of banning Eid al-Fitr, the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming urged his citizens to obey. He instructed tourism players in Surakarta to be patient, especially in the field of hospitality.
Jokowi's eldest son admitted that the policy is quite difficult for the tourism industry. However, he still warned of a greater threat to the economy sector if the COVID-19 curva rises again after Eid al-Fitr.
At the Surakarta Tourism Activist Communication Forum, Gibran said he would give leeway to the homecoming ban.
"As much as possible I loosen the ban on homecoming. I don't want to complicate things. I'm sure this month the hotel is full and the restaurant sells. But we still don't go home. One month if destroyed by COVID because of homecoming then we start again from scratch again," he said on Wednesday, March 7 at the Swiss-bell Hotel.
Gibran promised to present many post-Eid events. The plan will be carried out to keep the people of Surakarta alive.
Hold a Cultural PerformanceSolo city is famous by another name The Spirit of Java. As the center of Javanese culture, in this city is famous for routinely organizing art activities.
After Eid, Gibran gave permission to hold cultural events. The targeted events include live music, ketoprak, and wayang. The show remains with health protocols, namely restrictions on hours and audience volume.
Not only big events, this millennial walkot also allows activities in the village such as gymnastics and competitions.
Developing TourismGibran will also focus on developing the city's appeal through the tourism sector. To realize the program, solo raya coordination has been conducted between the Surakarta Municipality and the regents in the ex-Karisidenan area of Surakarta, such as Sukoharjo, Klaten, Sragen, Karanganyar, Boyolali.
"They already want to gather at the town hall. Our communication is re-established with Solo Raya after eight years of vacuum," gibran said.
Wellness TourismWellness Tourisme is a model of health tourism. Wellness tourism is becoming a trend of the tourism industry in the midst of the pandemic. Gibran also promised to prepare Wellness tourism in Solo. He will build it at the Herbal Hospital in Bung Karno Hospital.
"We do not want to lose to Penang Malaysia with its herbal center. Herbal raw materials precisely come from Surakarta and its surroundings. Herbal tourism such as herbal medicine and traditional Javanese spa and herbal therapy, can develop rapidly if we want to move quickly," he said.
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