JAKARTA - Indonesia not only has a large forest but also one of the largest trees in the world. The height is not like the tallest tree in the world, but its circumference and diameter will make anyone who sees the tree amazed.

This tree is a type of medang (Litsea SP), found growing in Nagari Koto Malintang, Tanjung Raya District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra. It belongs to the type of tree that has the largest diameter in the world.

Trees in Agam 4.5 meters in diameter

According to Ade Putra, Forest Ecosystem Controller (PEH) of the Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) of Agam Resort, the circumference of this giant tree reaches 14.5 meters, the diameter reaches 4.5 meters more, while the height of the trees in Agam is not more than 35 meters. According to BKSDA, the tree is about 560 years old.

"This size belongs to the group of trees with the largest diameter size in the world. This tree grows one kilometer from the community settlement in Koto Malintang. If you go there can be done on foot combing the plantations of residents with a travel time of about 20 minutes," explained Ade, September 1, 2020.

This giant tree in West Sumatra is almost the same as the famous tree of agathis species, Pane pahuta in Waipoua Forest, New Zealand. The tree has a diameter of 4.4 meters, while the height reaches 50 meters. It is estimated that the tree in New Zealand is 1,250 years old.

The largest tree in the world is in the United States

On an international level, the trees in Agam are still inferior to those in the United States. The tree was found in Sequoia National Park, California. In this state, there grows a sequoia tree named General Sherman.

It is listed as the largest and oldest in the world. General Sherman is 11 meters in diameter, while his standing is more than 80 meters. No kidding, the age of this tree is estimated to be more than 2,000 years old.

Although there are not yet half of the largest trees in the world, the tree in Agam is one of the largest diameter trees in the world.

"In addition, the existence of this tree also supports Nagari Koto Malintang to get the highest award in the environmental field, namely Kalpataru from the President of Indonesia, namely in 2013," explained Ade.

The potential of this biological wealth deserves to be a pride for Indonesia, especially Agam Regency.

"So this tree should get maximum attention and protection," he added.

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