JAKARTA – Former Secretary-General of the Democratic Party DPP Marzuki Ali spilled his anger over the political condition of Indonesia by poking former President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY).

Through @marzukialie_MA's Twitter account, Marzuki Ali opened it by raising the existence of a "dumb narrative".

Marzuki Ali reveals Many Ignorant Narratives That Spread

"A lot of stupid narratives, which makes us ask if they really are the result of the wrong educational process. I just want to say, there is a product that is not too good, but because of expertise in marketing, the product was purchased by the public. That's the example of SBY good stuff", tweet Marzuki Ali, Thursday, April 6.

The upload was then widely commented on by netizens, one of whom mentioned the Democratic Party's KLB and linked Marzuki Ali's tweet with a "marketing strategy".

"Try checking initially, SBY is only known far below Ma'am Megawati's. Around 15%. But by forming a network of parties, fans club, etc. slowly SBY increasingly known by the tagline SBY democrats, democrats SBY. That's why I convey a lot of good stuff lose because of marketing problem", Said Marzuki Ali responded to the tweet netizen.

Marzuki Ali recounts his previous tweets with the analogy of marketing and distribution of marketing goods.

"It means there is good stuff in our society, but because can not market, there is no strong distribution network, rest assured that good products are not necessarily known to the market, that is to learn marketing. For politics, there is a concentration of political marketing. With online alone at this time is not easy", he added.

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