JAKARTA - Six sniffer dogs were deployed from The National Police Headquarters, Jakarta, to a number of areas affected by natural disasters in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) to assist in the search for the bodies of the victims.

"Help K9 (sniffer dog) is from Baharkam Mabes Polri. Currently just arrived at Terung Port," said Head of Public Relations of NTT Police, Kombes Pol Rishian Krisna Budhiaswanto, in East Adonara, reported antara, Thursday, April 8.

Rishian said sniffer dogs were then deployed to two areas in NTT Province, three to East Adonara Subdistrict in East Flores Regency and three to Lembata District.

Rishian said the sniffer dogs deployed came from CADAVER SAR with special abilities sniffing out the presence of bodies.

"The police also deployed two handlers from the police group who were tasked with accompanying each of the three dogs," he said.

All sniffer dogs are imported from The National Police Headquarters using a fleet of sea and air travel.

"The delivery coincided with two logistics ships. Some were sent via Polair's ship and some were by helicopter," he said.

Rishian hopes that the death toll that is still missing can be identified soon after the search is intensified through the help of sniffer dogs.

Meanwhile, data collected by Antara through The Post Media Center Mapolsek Adonara Timur until Wednesday, April 7, the night reported 55 bodies in Ile Boleng Subdistrict have been found. As many as one other person is still searching.

While in Waiburak Village and Waiwerang Kota Village, East Adonara District as many as 12 bodies have been found, the other two are still missing.

In Oyong Barang Village, Wotan Ulumado District only one body was found and two others were missing.

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