MEDAN - Governor of North Sumatra (Gubsu) Edy Rahmayadi and PT Pertamina Marketing Operation Region (MOR) I Sumbagut reported to the Ombudsman Representative of North Sumatra.

The report was submitted by the Regional Leadership Council (DPW) of the Solidarity Party of Indonesia (PSI) Sumut. This report is a follow-up to the policy of The Provincial Government of North Sumatra which raised the motor vehicle fuel tax rate (PBBKB) from 5 percent to 7.5 percent.

The pbbkb tariff increase is used as the basis by Pertamina MOR I as the basis for raising the price of non-subsidized fuel.

Chairman of DPW PSI Sumut, Nezar Djoeli, said the increase in fuel prices in Indonesia is not new and often happens. However, he wondered why the increase only existed in North Sumatra Province.

Moreover, the increase in fuel prices is done in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and ahead of the holy month of Ramadan.

"This increase in fuel prices will affect why the increase in the price of basic materials, that's what we regret, the moment or condition is not right," Nezar said, Wednesday, April 7.

PSI, said Nezar, asked the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia Representative of North Sumatra to call governor Edy Rahmayadi for issuing the governor's regulation that serves as the basis for Pertamina to raise fuel prices.

"Rp40 from Rp200 fuel increase becomes the right of North Sumatra Provincial Government, the remaining Rp160 becomes pertamina's right. What is Pertamina in the middle of this condition raises the price," continued Nezar.

Nezar also urged that the North Sumatra Ombudsman also reject the increase in the price of non-subsidized fuel.

"We met with one of the assistants at the Ombudsman, there are requirements that must be completed, it will be completed soon," he continued.

Meanwhile, Gubsu Edy Rahmayadi when confirmed said Pertamina is deliberately looking for momentum to raise fuel prices. According to Gubsu Edy, the increase in fuel prices has nothing to do with North Sumatra Pergub.

"He (Pertamina) deliberately sought momentum. Fuel increase is not referring to Pergub. But Pergub adjusts the rules from above. The condition of the economic demands he must be stable. It is wrong if Pertamina refers pergub to raise fuel," said Gubsu Edy, Thursday, April 1.

According to Edy Rahmayadi, the determinant of fuel prices is Pertamina. Therefore, the Provincial Government of North Sumatra must adjust one of them by issuing Pergub.

"What determines the price is Pertamina. So, we're going to have to adjust. As soon as it goes up, you have to update it. Why he went up, because it has a huge effect on monetary," explained Gubsu Edy.

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