SOUTH SUMATRA - Palembang Polrestabes handled the discovery of a corpse floating in the Musi River, II Ulu Village, Seberang Ulu II District, Palembang, Monday, October 28.

Head of Polairud Polrestabes Palembang Kompol Suprawira said his party received reports from residents that there was a corpse on the banks of the Musi River.

"With the report, we together with the Gakkum and Inafis units of the Palembang Polrestabes immediately evacuated the body and took it to Bhayangkara Hospital for identification," he said in Palembang, South Sumatra (Sumsel), Monday, October 28, confiscated by Antara.

He added that the victim was found lying face down without wearing a shirt wearing only black trousers. On his left arm, there is a black rubber bracelet. It is estimated that the corpse is 35 years old.

He appealed to residents who feel they have lost their families to come to the Bhayangkara Palembang Hospital.

Meanwhile, based on the testimony of witness Dudet, one of the residents, that the service was floating from Hulu Sungai and then reported it to the police.

"Initially I saw it washed away and some were floating after confirming the true body, so I immediately reported it to the police officers," he said.

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