SUMBAR - Padang State Detention Center (Rutan) in West Sumatra (West Sumatra) has sent two suspects in a corruption case in land acquisition for the Padang-Pekanbaru Toll Road into an environmental introduction period (Mapenaling) cell.

The two suspects are the former Head of the West Sumatra National Land Agency (BPN) with the initials S, and the implementation of Land Procurement (P2T) with the initials Y. Both have been detained since Wednesday, October 23 afternoon.

"The two suspects are now in Mapenaling's cell according to the provisions for the new prisoners," said Head of the Padang Detention Center Welli Kamil in Padang, Thursday, October 24, confiscated by Antara.

He said the placement was in accordance with the Decree of the Director General of Corrections at the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights Number 22 of 2022 concerning the standards of the prisoners' Mapenaling.

He emphasized that there was no preferential treatment for the two corruption suspects, because all detainees who entered the Padang Rutan were treated the same.

Furthermore, Welli said the two suspects would become residents of mapenaling cells for the next seven days, and could be extended again if they were deemed not possible to enter the residential block.

After seven days the officers will evaluate the two detainees to determine whether they can be transferred to the residential block.

"If you can adjust, there are no things that endanger security, or infectious diseases, you can move them to blocks," he said.

According to him, the difference between Mapenaling cells and residential blocks is that prisoners have not been able to receive visits like prisoners in blocks.

"If there are legal advisors, families or investigators who want to come to meet them, they can still do it, but it must be the permission of the leadership of the Padang Detention Center," he said.

Meanwhile, during the service hours opened by the Padang Detention Center every weekday to the detention family, the two suspects could not access it.

In addition, activities in Mapenaling cells are also limited and of a certain nature, not as many activities as those in residential blocks.

Welli stated that the Padang Detention Center is committed to carrying out its duties in accordance with regulations, without discriminating treatment of prisoners.

"All detainees are needed the same, whether they are general criminal prisoners, corruption, drugs, or something else," said Welli.

To note, S and Y were detained by the Padang Detention Center after the West Sumatra Prosecutor's Office announced their status as suspects on Wednesday, October 23.

After being summoned as a suspect, the West Sumatra Prosecutor's Office Special Criminal Investigation Team immediately detained the two bodies.

Suspects S and Y were dragged into the case of the land acquisition project for the Padang-Pekanbaru toll road construction section of the Hancangan-Sicincin-Lubuk Alung-Padang section in Padang Pariaman Regency in 2020.

The investigative team ensnared the suspects with the primary violating Article 2 paragraph (1), Juncto (Jo) Article 18 of Law 32 of 1999 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of corruption, Jo 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.

Subsidiary of Article 3 Jo 18 of the Corruption Crime Law, Jo Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.

Based on an audit conducted by the West Sumatra BPKP, it is known that the case has caused state financial losses of Rp27 billion.

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