JAKARTA - The head of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM), Ahmad Taufan Damanik, said that the National Police was the institution most complained about regarding alleged human rights violations (HAM).

Komnas HAM noted that there were 1,992 complaints from the public during the period 2016 to 2020. The reporter complained about the slow handling of cases, criminalization, torture, and the legal process not in accordance with procedures.

"The police are the highest party because there are cases and those who are accused of violating human rights. However, the Polri's handling is not correct, ”said Ahmad Taufan at the DPR Commission III Hearing Meeting (RDP) at the DPR building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, April 6.

However, Ahmad said the National Police was the most responsive institution when Komnas HAM asked for an explanation of the alleged human rights violation.

"For example in the Herman case in East Kalimantan, the Kapolda came directly to Komnas HAM to explain and the perpetrators were subject to not only ethics but also law enforcement," he said.

According to him, Komnas HAM's note needs special attention from the National Police so that it can regain people's trust in upholding human rights.

After the police, he continued, the corporation was also the party that was widely complained. There were 610 cases with case typologies such as land disputes, labor disputes, and environmental pollution.

"This issue is complex because it is related to other parties, for example, law enforcement officers are deemed not neutral. Then there is the conflict between BUMN companies and the community, such as in the case of land conflicts between PTPN II and the community, "he said.

According to Ahmad, corporations are also sufficient to comply with Komnas HAM recommendations and prioritize persuasive solutions in handling public complaints.

"However, state-owned corporations, the issue of compliance is a challenge in itself. For example, PTPN is a company associated with the National Strategic Project (PSN)," said Ahmad.

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