SURABAYA - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa asked the East Java community to accept the central government's policy which prohibits going home in 2021.

"We have to be loose hearted to maintain mutual safety. Please obey these rules," said Khofifah in Surabaya, Tuesday, April 6.

According to Khofifah, the ban on Eid homecoming was decided due to the still outbreak of COVID-19. This policy was also enforced at Eid Al-Fitr in 2020.

"So that the habit of people to stay in touch with their relatives to say Eid Al-Fitr must be postponed first. For a while it must be done online," he said.

Khofifah said, over time, the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic are slowly starting to slope. This is also said to be related to policies such as the implementation of PSBB, the enactment of micro-community activity restrictions (PPKM) to the vaccination process and the active role of the community in maintaining health protocols.

"We are grateful and grateful to all elements for making various efforts. Although currently the process of spreading Covid-19 has not stopped but has sloped. Vaccinations are also being maximized but remain vigilant by implementing strict health protocols (prokes)," said Khofifah.

According to him, the government is still taking vigilant steps, such as banning homecoming activities during the Eid holidays. If people are allowed to go home, the government is concerned that the spread of COVID-19 will increase.

"So, these countries enter the phase of the third wave. Of course we hope that this sloping situation will be maintained, including maximizing vaccinations, maintaining distance and using masks properly," he said.

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