JAKARTA - President Prabowo Subianto officially inaugurated 56 deputy ministers of the Red and White Cabinet at the State Palace, Jakarta today, Monday afternoon, October 21. The inauguration was carried out after taking the oath of the ministers.

Judging from the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube show, the inauguration will be held at 15.00 WIB. The procession begins by reading the Presidential Decree Number 73M/2024 concerning the Appointment of the Deputy Minister of State for the Red and White Cabinet for the period 2024-2029.

After that, President Prabowo took the oath of office. Spiritualists also accompanied the inaugurated deputy ministers.

"I swear that I will be loyal to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and will carry out all laws and regulations as straight as possible for the sake of my service to the nation and state," Prabowo said dictating the oath of office and followed by deputy ministers.

"That in carrying out my duties, I will uphold the ethics of my position, work my best, with a full sense of responsibility."

The following are the deputy minister and deputy head of the agency inaugurated by Prabowo:

1. Lodewijk Freidrich Paulus, Deputy Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs

2. Otto Hasibuan, Deputy Minister of Coordination for Law, Human Rights and Corrections

3. Bambang Eko Suharyanto, Deputy Minister of State Secretary

4. Jury Ardiantoro, Deputy Minister of State Secretary

5. Bima Aria, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs

6. Ribka Haluk, Deputy Minister Of Home Affairs

7. Muhammad Anis Matta, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

8. Armanatta Kristiawan Nasir, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

9. Arif Hafasugroseno, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

10. Donny Ermawan, Deputy Minister of Defense

11. Muhammad Syafii, Deputy Minister of Religion

12. Edward Omar Syarief Hiariej, Deputy Minister of Law

13. Mugianto, Deputy Minister of Human Rights (HAM)

14. Silmy Karim, Deputy Minister of Immigration and Corrections

15. Thomas Djiwandono, Deputy Minister of Finance

16. Suahasil, Deputy Minister of Finance

17. Anggito Abhimanyu, Deputy Minister of Finance

18. Fajar Riza Ulhaq, Deputy Minister of Education

19. Atit Latifulayat, Deputy Minister of Education

20. Fauzan, Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology

21.Stella Christie, Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology

22. Giring Ganesha, Deputy Minister of Culture

23. Dante Saksonoharbuono, Deputy Minister of Health

24. Agus Jabopriono, Deputy Minister of Social Affairs

25. Imanuel Ebenezer, Deputy Minister of Manpower

26. Christina Aryani, Deputy Minister of Protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers/ Deputy Head of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency

27. Zulfikar Ahmad Tawala, Deputy Minister of Protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers

28. Faisol Riza, Deputy Minister of Industry

29. Diah Roroesti, Deputy Minister of Trade

30. Yuliot, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources

31. Diana Kusumastuti, Deputy Minister of Public Works

32. Fahri Hamzah, Deputy Minister of Housing and Settlement Areas

33. Ahmad Riza Patria, Deputy Minister of Villages and Development of Disadvantaged Regions

34. Viva Yoga Mauladi, Deputy Minister Of Transmigration

35. Suntana, Deputy Minister of Transportation

36. Angga Raka Prabowo, Deputy Minister of Communication and Digital Affairs

37. Nezar Patria, Deputy Minister of Communication and Digital Affairs

38. Sudaryono, Deputy Minister of Agriculture

39. Sulaeman Umar, Deputy Minister of Forestry

40. Didit Erdiawan Asyaf, Deputy Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries

41. Ossy Dermawan, Deputy Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Deputy Head of the National Land Agency

42. Febrian Alphyanto Ruddyard, Deputy Minister of National Development Planning/Deputy Head of the National Planning Agency

43. Purwadi Arianto, Deputy Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform

44. Kartiko Wirjoatmodjo, Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises

45. Aminuddin Ma'ruf, Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises

46. Dony Oskaria, Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises

47. Queen Ayu Isyana Bagoes Oka, Deputy Minister of Population and Family Development/Deputy Head of National Planning Agency and Family

48. Diaz Hendropriyono, Deputy Minister of Environment/Deputy Head of Environmental Control

49. Todotua Pasaribu, Deputy Minister of Investment and Downstreaming/Deputy Head of the Investment Coordinating Board

50. Ferry Joko Yuliantono, Deputy Minister of Cooperatives

51. Helvi Yuni Moraza, Deputy Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

52. Ni Luh Puspa, Deputy Minister of Tourism

53. Irene Umar, Deputy Minister of Creative Economy/Deputy Head of the Creative Economy Agency

54. Veronica Tan, Deputy Minister of PPPA

55. Taufik Hidayat, Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports

56. Muhammad Qodari, Vice Chief of Presidential Staff

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