BOGOR Inauguration of 50 members of the Bogor City DPRD for the 2024 period 2029 takes place solemnly in the plenary room, the Bogor City DPRD building, Tuesday, August 27.

Taking the oath of office and embedding the Bogor City DPRD pin was witnessed directly by elements of the Bogor City Forkopimda and the community who attended the special plenary meeting.

Based on a decree issued by the Governor of West Java, the temporary leadership of the Bogor City DPRD is held by Adityawarman Adil and M. Rusli Prihatvy.

The process of handing over the position of chairman of the Bogor City DPRD was carried out symbolically by handing over the hammer and memory book by the chairman of the Bogor City DPRD for the 2019 2024 period, Atang Trisnanto.

To the plenary meeting attendees, Adityawarman conveyed in his remarks respect and pride for getting the mandate as a temporary leader of the Bogor City DPRD. He also asked for assistance from all members of the Bogor City DPRD for the 2024 2029 period who had been inaugurated, elements of the Bogor City Forkopimda and all levels of the Bogor City community to work together to guard the voices of the people so that they could create policies that matched the needs of the people of Bogor City.

"We fully realize that our task in the future as representatives of the people in ensuring the representation of the people in carrying out their duties and authorities is not easy, especially in the midst of the current world situation. For this reason, in the implementation of our duties in the future, support from all parties, both the Regional Government, the Regional Leadership Communication Forum and all components of the people of Bogor City, God willing, we can carry out this mandate as well as possible," said Adityawarman.

Adityawarman also appreciated the performance of all members of the Bogor City DPRD for the 2019 2024 period who had carried out their duties and functions very well. This can be seen from the track record of performance that has been poured into the memoir book of the Bogor City DPRD.

"We express our highest appreciation and appreciation for the performance that has been achieved by fellow members of the Bogor City DPRD for the 2019 2024 Term of Office, both in absorbing and following up on the aspirations of the community as well as in the implementation of the legislative, budgeting and supervision functions as outlined in the Bogor City DPRD Memory Book for the 2019 2024 Term of Office, the Memory Book will be an input in the implementation of our tasks in the future," explained Adityawarman.

Finally, he explained that based on the provisions of Article 34 paragraph (3) of Government Regulation number 12 of 2018, the temporary leadership of the Bogor City DPRD has the task of chairing the DPRD Meeting, facilitating the formation of factions, facilitating the preparation of the Draft DPRD Regulation on the Order of the DPRD and processing the Definitive DPRD Leadership.

At the same location, Deputy Chairperson of the Bogor City DPRD, M. Rusli Prihatvy said that all programs and aspirations that could not be followed up in the 2019 2024 period would be a priority to be completed by the Bogor City DPRD for the 2024 2029 period.

"All aspirations, programs and inputs that have not been implemented in the 2019 2024 period will certainly be followed up and become our priority," explained Rusli.

Rusli revealed that some of the notes he holds include solving educational problems, poverty alleviation, infrastructure equity, improving health quality and residential problems.

"All of these things will be our main focus in the discussion of the 2025 APBD which will be carried out after the determination of the Council's Apparatus (AKD) later. So that even though we are in a transition period, the basic service program for the community must not stop and will remain our main focus," he concluded.


No. Name of the Political Party Dapil1. ATANG TRISNANTO, Partai Keadilan Sejahtera Dapil 52. ADITHAWARMAN ADIL, Partai Keadilan Sejahtera Dapil 13. ANGGA ALAN SURAWIJAYA, Partai Keadilan Sejahtera Dapil 34.ANNA MARIAM FADHILAH, Partai Keadilan Sejahtera Dapil 15. ENDAH PURWANTI, Partai Keadilan Sejahtera Dapil 56. KARNAIN ASYHAR, Partai Keadilan Sejahtera Dapil 47. M. DODY HIKMAWAN, Partai Keadilan Sejahtera Dapil 38. MUAZ HD. Partai Keadilan Sejahtera Dapil 49. DEDI MULYNO, Partai Keadilan Sejahtera Dapil 210. MULYANI, Partai Keadilan Sejahtera Dapil 311. ROZI PUTRA, Partai Keadilan Sejahtera Dapil 4

No. Name of the Political Party Dapil1. M. RUSLI PRIHATEVY, Party Group Karya Dapil 22. EKA WARDHANA, Party Group Karya Dapil 13. HERI CAHYONO, Party Group Karya Dapil 34. H. MURTADLO, Party Group Karya Dapil 45. DESY YANTHI UTAMI Dapil 16 Party Dampil 16. ASEP NADZARULLAH, Party Class Karya Dapil 37. JUHANA, Party Group Karya Dapil 5

No. Name of Dapil 1 Political Party. PEPEN FIRDAUS, Partai Gerakan Indonesia Raya Dapil 12. AZIS MUSLIM, Partai Gerak Indonesia Raya Dapil 53. SAID MUHAMMAD MOHAN Partai Gerak Indonesia Raya Dapil 24. MOCHAMAD ZENAL ABIDIN, Partai Gerakan Indonesia Raya Dapil 45. ABDUL KADIR HASBI ALATAS Partai Gerak Indonesia Raya Dapil 26. NASYA KHARISYA LESTARI Partai Gerak Indonesia Raya Dapil 3

No. Name of Dapil 1 Political Party. ACHMAD RIFKI ALAYDRUS, Partai Amanat Nasional Dapil 32. DRS. SAFRUDIN, Partai Amanat Nasional Dapil 43. KARINA SOERBAKTI Partai Amanat Nasional Dapil 14. HAKANA, Partai Amanat Nasional Dapil 25. ZAKIYATUL FIKRIYAH AL ASLAMIYAH Partai Amanat Nasional Dapil 5

No. Name of Dapil 1 Political Party. JATIRIN PKB Dapil 52. LUSIANa NURISIYADAH, PKB Dapil 43. EDI KHOLKI ZAELANI, PKB Dapil 24. TRI KISOWO JUMINO, PKB Dapil 3


No. Name of Dapil 1 Political Party. DEVIE PRIHATINI SULTANI, Partai NasDem Dapil 32. TRI RIYANTO ANDHIKA PUTRA Partai NasDem Dapil 13. FAJAR MUHAMAD NUR Partai NasDem Dapil 24. MOCHAMAD BENNU ARGOEBIE, Partai NasDem Dapil 5

No. Name of Dapil 1 Political Party. \AHMAD SAEFUL BAKHRI, PPP Dapil 52. AHMAD ASWANDI, SH. PPP Dapil 43. WISNU ADRIANSYAH PPP Dapil 2

No. Name of Dapil 1 Political Party. ANITA PRIMASARI MONGAN, Democratic Party of electoral district 42. SUBHAN, Democratic Party of Electoral District 13. REZKY KARTIKA Democratic Party of Electoral District 2

No. Name of Dapil 1 Political Party. SUGENG TEGUH SANTOSO, PSI 1

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