YOGYAKARTA United Nations (UN) does not have its own military forces. UN military forces depend on troops donated by member states to support communities affected by the conflict in peacekeeping missions. The question is, what are the requirements to become UN peacekeepers?

Please note, Indonesia has been actively involved in UN peace missions since 1957. The soldiers who departed on the mission were known as the Garuda Contingent (Konga), consisting of members of the TNI and Polri.

According to the Military website, Garuda Troops are tasked with monitoring and supervising the peace process in post-conflict areas.

Internationally, the UN peacekeeping force is recognized as a professional and high-qualification soldier reliable for maintaining world peace. Because for the first time, troops are deployed to maintain peace, not to go to war. Not all soldiers can meet the requirements as UN troops.

Internationally, the UN peacekeeping force is recognized as a professional and high-quality soldier reliable for maintaining world peace. Because, for the first time, soldiers are deployed to maintain peace, not to fight.

However, not all TNI and Polri personnel can become UN peacekeepers.

To become members of the Garuda Troops, prospective peacekeepers must go through several stages of selection, which includes general health checks, mental freshness tests, psychology, English tests, driving tests, computer knowledge, and the internet.

The selection will be carried out professionally in order to produce reliable and professional soldiers in accordance with the composition of the positions needed in the UN Task Force organization.

Next, soldiers who pass the selection will take part in the 30-day Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) activity at the TNI Peace Maintenance Mission Center (PMPP), in Sentul, Bogor, West Java.

This training is in accordance with the conditions set by the United Nations for personnel deployed to conflict areas. During this period, the TNI has also prepared an defense equipment system that will later be used while on duty to carry out the peace mission.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Defense, Indonesia's involvement in the UN peace mission is a mandate of state constitution that needs to be planned by the government and implemented by the TNI as the state's obligation to create a more peaceful world.

On the other hand, sending Indonesian soldiers on UN peace missions can also be used to achieve other goals.

First, the Indonesian army has increased its capability even more after plunging directly into the true battlefield. The capability built from the experience of carrying out peace operations in other countries will be very useful in dealing with similar security problems if one day it occurs in their own country.

Second, the Garuda Contingent can promote domestic production defense equipment by using it on peace missions in various countries.

The defense in the Indonesian-made defense equipment used in the UN peace mission is an effective promoso for its marketing.

That's information about the requirements to become a UN peacekeeping force. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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