JAKARTA - Candidate for Deputy Governor Sri Suwanto regrets that there is no early warning or appeal regarding bad weather behind the incident of 71 fishermen from Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan) trapped in the waters of Sukabumi Regency, West Java (West Java).

It is known that the joint SAR team had difficulty evacuating 71 fishermen who were trapped at the former Pasir Besi mining pier of PT Sumber Baja Prima (SBP), Buniasih Village, Tegalbuleud District, Sukabumi Regency.

According to Suwanto, the safety of fishermen, as well as efforts to protect coastal communities, must be the government's top priority, both at the regional and national levels.

"Based on the data I have, there are 24,479 people from the Sundanese tribe who live in Central Kalimantan or 1.36 percent of the population in Central Kalimantan. I am also concerned about this disaster. This disaster is not only related to families in Sukabumi but also concerns all of us as a sense of humanity. The sadness of the victims' families is our common sadness," said Suwanto, quoted on Friday, October 18.

Sri Suwanto linked this incident with his vision for Central Kalimantan, especially in empowering the fisheries and agricultural sectors. He emphasized the need for strong social protection policies as well as improving safety infrastructure for fishermen, including weather monitoring technology and early warning systems.

"This fishing loss incident should be a lesson to take work security more seriously in sectors that are vulnerable to dangerous natural conditions," he said.

Suwanto, who once served as Head of the Forestry Service of Central Kalimantan Province 2017-2022, is committed that if elected, he will fight for programs that focus on the welfare and sustainability of coastal communities and farmers, two groups that are considered the backbone of the regional economy.

"We have submitted to coastal areas of Central Kalimantan and recorded all complaints from the public, including fishermen and we have collaborated on the priority work program for me and Pak Abdul Razak," said Suwanto.

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