EAST LAMPUNG - Another fire incident occurred in the forest area of the East Lampung Way Kambas National Park (TNWK). The incident caused about 350 hectares of land in the TNWK forest to catch fire.

Land fires in conservative forest areas in the Simpang Parmin area, session two, Bungur, East Lampung Way Kambas National Park (TNWK), have occurred since Tuesday morning.

Road conditions that are difficult to cross by large vehicles cause the extinguishing process with fire engines to be hampered. Fire engines cannot reach the location of the fire.

Dozens of joint officers deployed to extinguish the burning land had to use motorbikes and walk.

As many as 20 joint officers who were dispatched to the location were unable to do much because they were armed with makeshift equipment.

The fire quickly spread because the location that caught fire consisted of a stretch of shrubs. In addition, the strong winds at the location caused the fire to quickly spread and spread to other locations.

After struggling to extinguish the fire that burned the land, joint officers managed to extinguish the fire on Thursday, October 17 in the morning.

In addition to burning hundreds of hectares of land, this land fire in the TNWK caused the pangolin protected animal to be found dead as a result of the fire. The pangolin was found by officers to be dead during the fire extinguishing process.

The Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police, Kombes Pol Umi Fadillah Astutik, said that despite having experienced problems in the extinguishing process, officers finally managed to extinguish the fire that burned hundreds of hectares of land in the East Lampung TNWK area.

"Alhamdulillah, the land fire in Way Kambas National Park has been successfully extinguished. The burned area is estimated to reach 350 hectares," said Umi Fadilah, last Thursday.

Umi Fadilah revealed that the fire extinguishing process was only carried out by about 20 officers, consisting of a team from the TNWK assisted by local police personnel.

"From reports there are 20 teams working to extinguish the fire, so as not to spread to other areas. Currently the team is still at the location, to carry out monitoring," said Umi Fadilah.

As of Thursday evening, the land fire incident in the East Lampung TNWK area is still under investigation by the police. The police conducted an investigation to find out the exact cause of the land fire in TNWK.

Joint officers are also still on guard at the location to ensure there are no further fires.

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